Alot has happened in our little family in the last 6 months or so. I came to the realization I can not save every child. We had a 16 year old in our home for the last year and with her brought a new baby, that we are now adopting. A decision had to be made for the well being of the ENTIRE family, she had to move on to a new placement. It was very hard but I now know without a doubt that this was God's plan for us and for her. I have such an overwhelming sense of peace. I know people will judge and have already had a social worker give us a hard time but the first duty God gave us is to protect our family. She is almost grown and knows right from wrong, she made her choices and because of them she could not stay. Our duty is to protect the 6 younger children in our charge. I can go on and on but what it boils down too is that we have prayed every step of the way and feel good (but still sad) about the choice we made. People can judge, but that is not my problem I serve only one God.
I have also realized that all things, including the horrible ones, work together for good for those who love the Lord!!! Alot of damage has been done in our home in the last year and we have alot to work through. But I can see God working mircles already! His grace and love is overwhelming and beyond words!
So we went on this long family vacation to IL and IN, our families were amazing and treated us like rock stars! We are so blessed. K , A and W all got to meet there new family and were welcomed with open arms!!! It was amazing to see so many people just wrap them in there love! We had some drama but were able to finish our vacation and make it home with a scrap of sanity (maybe). While there I got to meet my sweet little A's bio family and they were amazing and I am so looking forward to maintaining a relationship with them all. We are not only adopting these 3 amazing kids but we are also adopting a whole gaggle of bio family members!! I will count my blessings that they are all such amazing people!!
Having 6 children is definately a challenge but the blessings far outwiegh the hardships!! Our family is complete!! (unless God works on Hubby!!)
I know this post is all over the place but so is our life!!
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