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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Epiphany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (on so many levels)

I just love PWOC!! I am taking the Divine Surrender class and today was just absolutely amazing and convicting at the same time.  I have misunderstood what it means to submit to my husband for the last 15 years.  We are bombarded with worldly views on what it is to be a wife and it is all straight from satan to undermine the marriage that God wants us to have. I am so amazed at how much I learn from these amazing women.

 Fellowship is definately and important part of walking with the Lord.  I have also learned recently that if God gives me the feeling that a friendship is not one that is he has ordained I am going to run as fast as I can in the other direction.  I got burned really badly by someone that was supposed to be my friend.  I was busy and taking care of my large family and she decided that not only was that not good enough for her that she needed to be ugly and hateful on top of it all.  I was trying to step out gracefully but with some people I guess that isn't good enough.  And for some reason she decided that is was okay to bring my children into her drama and try to attack my kids.  I do not care if people want to sit around talking about me and being hateful but it is another thing to bring my children into it.  Some women never grow up and stop being in middle school.  She knew the only way to hurt me is to hurt my children and that is what she did.  The pyscho couldn't hurt me with her ugliness because for me to care about someones opinion I have to have at least a little bit of respect for them.

So done with Wysteria lane and all the desperate housewives bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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