Wow it is crazy it has almost been a month since I last posted. Life in this household has been intense. It never seems to slow down...... With two teenagers and a preteen add a 9 year old who's personality can be larger than life, plus a 6 year old who doesn't think she ever has to listen to anyone plus a two year old who is into everything and sneaky as can be and the cherry on the top is the 4 month old who is a fussy pants alot of the time................. I am about to lose my mind at times!! That is why God made kids so cute, so when you were at the point to lose it they would do something cute to remind you what a precious gift it is to have and raise children!!
Satan really seems to be attacking me spiritually, I know with all of my heart I need to spend time in his word and in prayer and when I do so I am so much happier and a much better Mommy.... So why is it so hard for me to get into any kind of routine with my bible studies let alone a routine in the rest of my life. I have been fighting this battle with routines for soooooo long. I have great ideas but when it comes right down to it, I never stick to it. I use excuses like the baby kept me up so I am going to sleep in a little bit or anything else I can think of. He has also been using the distractions of worry, finances, moving etc.... When I know in my heart of hearts that those things while they are important God will always and has always seen to it we have way more than we could ever need!
My Goal this week is to come up with and stick to some sort of morning routine.... Getting up before my kids to have my time with God and my coffee before the chaos starts!! So unlike what I ususally do which is come up with some complex plan that is overwhelming my goal is only to get up by 7 am and have 30 min with God in the morning!!!!! I would like to also add getting dressed first thing and being ready for the day. If I can do that little bit maybe things will start falling more into place and I won't be so overwhelmed daily!!
Please anyone reading this, Please pray for me to overcome this pure laziness in the mornings so I can function better for my family!!! We could also use some prayers in that we are going to be moving this year and have a house to sell so we can maybe buy a house in TX. Please pray for my childrens hearts and for God to give me the wisdom in training and leading them to him. Please pray for wisdom in the social workers, judges and families in our adoption situations. Please just pray for us God will know what we need.
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