Well it looks like our journey may be changing in the not so distant future! Still not something I can discuss on a public blog. Looks as if we are going to be having some permanent positive changes in our future.
I feel so blessed to have had our family grow so much in the last year. Every heart ache and problem was so worth adding 4 new members to our family. Seeing the hearts of my bio girls grow and how readily they gave up time with their mom and dad to accept new sibilings into there home and hearts....... It is so beyond words. All three of my girls are saying they want to foster and adopt when they are grown up. If only we could plant the seeds of love and taking care of the orphans into all young people maybe there won't be so many children in need of loving homes! I don't know where this journey is going to lead us in the future but I know with every ounce of my heart that as long as God is the pilot we can not be steered wrong! Don't get me wrong there are times when things get hard that I ask God are you sure I am strong enough to be everything these kids need. I have the faith that God will hold me and my many children in his hands and never let us down.
It is a very uncomfortable situation when people tell my husband and I that we are such great people for doing what we are doing..... Just and FYI these kids we have brought into our home and hearts will always be more of a blessing to us than we could ever be to them! It is almost a selfish thing because the rewards in our hearts are so much more, how could we not do it? In all honesty we are not giving anything up! Yes, our house is messier with more kids, yes sometimes I feel like I am going to lose my mind, yes sometimes I get impatient and yell, yes sometimes I cry in my bathroom praying with everything I have asking God to give me the wisdom to help heal hurts and scars and have the patience and the eyes to see the misbehaviors for what they are........ It is not perfect, we did not start this because we were perfect parents, we didn't start this because we thought that it would be easy.... We did this because I have known in my heart since I was very young that I wanted to adopt at least one child that had some of the same problems I went through as a child. I know what it is like to feel like a guest in someone else's home, I know what it is like to always have to change to fit into a family, I know what it is like to challenge those that say they love you because everyone has always given up when the going got tough.
Please take the time to pray for our family as we experience the ups and downs that we can be strong in the knowledge that with God all things are possible!
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